Youtube Kids Channel Training in 2023
Nowadays a lot of people of different age search for information on Youtube, because it’s easy and quick to find all that you need. If you want to assemble an IKEA wardrobe, go to YouTube. Girls are looking for makeup, while children are watching cartoons. During the pandemic, YouTube’s popularity grew, and families stayed with their children to watch YouTube on various devices. The popularity of kid’s channels grew. That’s why there’s a need for Youtube Kids Channel training in 2022, taking into account high Youtube competitiveness. Thus, we’ve prepared this course to get answers to all your questions.
Our Youtube Kids Channel training in 2022 includes the next sections:
- Creating a Kids’ Youtube Channel.
- Choosing a Niche.
- Kids’ Privacy On Youtube.
- Set the Youtube Rules for Your Kid.
- Choosing the Right Equipment.
- Choosing Tools for Creating and Editing Videos
- Uploading Videos.
- Recording the Videos.
In Section 1 we’ll show you how to create a Google account and how to create your separate Youtube channel. Also, you’ll learn all the functions of creating your channel and how to use them.
In Section 2 you’ll learn everything about ideas and days out, challenges, and gaming.
Section 3 is the most important one because Youtube has rules for posting kids’ content and you should know how to post appropriate kids-oriented content without violating Youtube rules. We’ll talk about the remote control of your children, and allowable material according to COPPA, FTC, and other laws, which have certain limitations on your video and channel.
Section 4 is oriented on setting Youtube rules more in detail. You should know how this system works for the successful existence of your Youtube channel.
Section 5 is about all equipment used for creating videos. We’ll review the most important one and its necessary characteristics of it for Youtuber.
Section 6 is about all software and other useful tools for creating and editing your videos. We’ll review everything in detail and perform practical tasks with the help of free software for creating and editing videos.
Section 7 is about uploading your videos, changing descriptions, and thumbnails, and setting additional changes using Video Manager.
In Section 8 you’ll learn about free software called OBS. It’s a little bit complicated and you should spend time on it.
Sign up and create your own Youtube channel for kids with our help.